Ascend HQ - Analytics Metrics (RPM)

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at August 23rd, 2024

This article covers the metrics currently included on the Analytics page of Ascend HQ.

Note: All metrics measure finished (closed) transactions only and exclude tax. Sales with no sales items (e.g. gift card/gift certificate sales) are excluded from calculations.

Mini Metrics

Screenshot of example metrics under Sales, Profit, Margin, and Units Sold

  • Sales = Sales Dollars
  • Profit = Sales minus Cost of Goods Sold
  • Margin = (Profit / Sales) * 100 displayed as a percentage
  • Units Sold = Quantity of Items Sold

To verify these numbers in Ascend, do the following:

  1. In Ascend HQ, select a single location
  2. Set the Date Range to Year to Date
  3. In Ascend, go to Reports and click Prod. Query on the toolbar
  4. Set your From date to the first day of the calendar year
  5. Click the Totals Only button on the toolbar
  6. Click Execute to run the Query
  7. Units should equal Units Sold in Ascend HQ
  8. Gross Sale Price should equal Sales in Ascend HQ
  9. Profit should equal Profit in Ascend HQ
  10. Margin (Sale) should equal Margin in Ascend HQ

Screenshot showing the Totals Only button on the toolbar with a number 5 next to it, the Execute button with the number 6 next to it,  the Unitscolumn with a number 7, Gross Sale Price column with 8 next to it, the Profit column with a 9, and the Margin (Sale) column with a number 10.

Mountain Metrics

Retail Profit Machine (RPM)

Note: Values are color-coded according to their score – green indicates exceptional performance, orange indicates adequate performance, and blue indicates performance which needs improvement. Click the toggle button (double square icon) to display the minimum target value for each score.

Screenshot of Retail Profit Machine window with Labor in blue, Average Transaction Size in green, Bikes - % of total sales in green, Work Order Attachment Rate in orange, and Bikes - Average price in orange

Bikes – Av. Price: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) divided by total quantity of sales items which were finished (closed) in the selected date range and which are assigned to a Bikes category (i.e. top parent category contains Bikes or Bicycles).

Av. Add-on $: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of sales items which were finished (closed) in the selected date range, which are not assigned to a Bikes category (i.e. top parent category contains Bikes or Bicycles), which are not assigned to a serialized category, and which are not assigned to a Labor category (i.e. top parent category contains Labor or Labour) divided by total quantity of sales items which were finished (closed) in the selected date range and which are not assigned to a Bikes category (i.e. top parent category contains Bikes or Bicycles), which are not assigned to a serialized category, and which are not assigned to a Labor category (i.e. top parent category contains Labor or Labour).

Av. Work Order: For Work Order Details which are completed and whose transaction was finished (closed) in the selected date range: total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of sales items which were added to a Work Order Detail and which are not assigned to a Bikes category (i.e. top parent category contains Bikes or Bicycles), which are not assigned to a serialized category, which are not assigned to a Rental category (i.e. top parent category contains Rental), and which are assigned to a category divided by the total number of Work Order Details.

To verify this number, run the following query in Ascend. Be sure to enter the date range that equals what you're looking at in Ascend HQ.

--Average Work Order

WITH WorkOrderSales
SUM(Si.Quantity * Si.Price) AS [WOSales]
FROM Sales S
JOIN SalesItems Si
ON S.ID = Si.SalesID
JOIN WorkOrderDetails WO
ON Si.WorkOrderDetailID = WO.ID
WHERE S.Hide = 0
AND Si.Hide = 0
AND WO.DateCompleted IS NOT NULL
AND Si.RentalReservationID IS NULL
FROM Products
and topicid not in (select id from Categories where  Serialized = 1 )
AND S.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>
COUNT(DISTINCT Si.WorkOrderDetailID) AS [WOCount]
FROM Sales S
JOIN SalesItems Si
ON S.ID = Si.SalesID
JOIN WorkOrderDetails WO
ON Si.WorkOrderDetailID = WO.ID
WHERE S.Hide = 0
AND Si.Hide = 0
AND WO.DateCompleted IS NOT NULL
AND Si.RentalReservationID IS NULL
AND S.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>
FROM WorkOrderSales
[Avg Work Order] =
WHEN R.WOSales = 0 THEN 0
WHEN R.WOCount = 0 THEN 0
ELSE R.WOSales / R.WOCount
FROM Results R

Sales/Hour: Total value (sales dollars, excluding tax) of transactions finished (closed) divided by total hours worked (as recorded in Ascend’s Time Clock) by all users.
Note: This number will differ slightly from Sales per hour in the sales team analysis because sales team analysis excludes the hours of technicians and employees who have not created a transaction during the day.

Email Capture: Percent of total transactions for the store with a customer associated who has an email address entered which were finished (closed) in the selected date range.

Av. DIS: The estimated number of days products have been in stock without selling. Total number of days in the selected date range divided by the number of turns (total inventory difference – beginning inventory value minus ending inventory value – divided by two).
Note: Av. DIS is NOT an average of the Remaining DIS metric. Inventory values prior to April 1, 2019 are not tracked.

NPSNet Promoter Score as calculated by Listen360. Article: Get started with Listen360 integration 

Average Transaction Size

This metric measures Sales Dollars divided by the Number of Transactions.
Note: Transactions that were finished (closed) but which did not include any sale items (e.g. cancelled layaways/work orders or gift card/certificate sales) are not included in this calculation.

Screenshot of Average Transaction Size in green

To verify this number, run the following query in AscendBe sure to enter the date range that equals what you're looking at in Ascend HQ.

-- Average Transaction Size
ELSE SUM(Si.Quantity * Si.Price)
FROM SalesItems Si
JOIN Sales S ON Si.SalesID=S.ID
WHERE S.Hide=0
AND Si.Hide=0
AND S.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>)
FROM Sales S
JOIN SalesItems si ON si.SalesID = s.ID
WHERE S.Hide=0
AND si.hide = 0
AND S.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>)),0)

Work Order Attachment Rate

This metric measures Total Work Order Add-on Dollars divided by Total Work Order Labor Dollars and is displayed as a percentage.

NOTE: Work Order Add-on Dollars = Non-Labor and Non-serialized products on a Work Order with at least 1 Labor SKU

Screenshot of Work Order Attachment Rate in orange

To verify this number, run the following query in Ascend.

Be sure to enter the date range that equals what you're looking at in Ascend HQ.

-- Work Order Attachment Rate
Case When w2.LaborDollars = 0 Then 0 Else Round((Cast(w2.AddonDollars as Decimal(9,2))/Cast(w2.LaborDollars as Decimal(9,2))) * 100 , 2) End As AttachmentRate
From (
Sum(w.AddonDollars) as AddonDollars,
Sum(w.LaborDollars) as LaborDollars
From (
Sum(Case When labCat.ID Is Not Null Then 0 Else si.Quantity * Round(si.Price, 4) End) As AddonDollars,
From (
Sum(si.Quantity * Round(si.Price, 4)) As LaborDollars
From Sales s
Join SalesItems si On si.SalesID = s.ID
Join Products p On p.ID = si.ProductID
Join Categories c On c.Id = p.TopicID
Join (
Select c.Id
From Categories c
Where Lower(c.Topic) Like('lab%')
And c.Hide <> 1 And c.ParentID Is Null) labCat
On labCat.Id = c.TopParentID Or labCat.Id = c.ID
Where s.Hide <> 1
And si.Hide <> 1
And s.WorkOrder <> 0
And s.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>
Group By s.ID) s
Join SalesItems si On si.SalesID = s.Id
Join Products p On p.ID = si.ProductID
Left Join Categories c On c.ID = p.TopicID
Left Join (
Select c.Id
From Categories c
Where Lower(c.Topic) Like('lab%')
And c.Hide <> 1 And c.ParentID Is Null) labCat
On labCat.Id = c.TopParentID Or labCat.Id = c.ID
Where si.Hide <> 1
And (c.ID Is Null Or c.Serialized <> 1)
Group By s.ID, s.LaborDollars) w) w2

Target Categories

A Target Category is a key category of the business. Right now, the two Target Categories that we measure are Labor and Bikes. Soon, retailers will be able to define their own Target Categories. The following metrics will be displayed for each designated Target Category.

% of Total Sales

This metric measures the Total Sales Dollars in a Target Category divided by Total Sales from all categories and is displayed as a percentage.

To verify these numbers in Ascend, do the following:

  1. Run the Activity Summary
  2. Divide the Target Category Sales by Total Sales
  3. Example for calculating this metric can be found in the image below. In this case, the Bikes -- % of Total Sales would be 62.95%.

Screenshot of Sales report with two examples highlighted under Total Sales

Average Price

This metric measures the Total Sales Dollars in a Target Category divided by the Units Sold the same Target Category.

Screenshot of Average Bike Price in orange

To verify Average Price in Ascend, do the following:

  1. In Ascend HQ, select a single location
  2. Set the Date Range to Year to Date
  3. In Ascend, go to Reports and click Prod. Query on the toolbar
  4. Set your From date to the first day of the calendar year
  5. Select the Target Category you're measuring. In this example, we'll choose Bikes.
  6. Click the Totals Only button on the toolbar
  7. Click Execute to run the Query
  8. Divide Gross Sale Price by Units

Screenshot with Totals Only icon highlighted and Units and Gross Sale Price highlighted

Add-on Dollars

This metric measures Total Sales Dollars (excluding Target Category, Serialized, and Labor Item ) divided by the Number of Sales containing a Target Item.

IMPORTANT: Ascend Analytics did not exclude other Target categories from the Add-ons calculation. So if two bikes were present on a transaction, for example, the other bike would be included as an Add-on. We corrected this in Ascend HQ. This means the value in Ascend Analytics will likely be higher than it is in Ascend HQ.

Screenshot of Bikes - Add-on Dollars in blue

Run this query to verify your Add-on Dollars for your target category in your database.

WITH CategoryIds (CategoryId)
AS (
-- Anchor member definition
c.Id AS CategoryId
FROM Categories c
WHERE c.Hide <> 1
AND Lower(c.Topic) Like(Lower(<<Category>>))
-- Recursive member definition
c.Id AS CategoryId
FROM Categories c
JOIN CategoryIds ci ON ci.CategoryId = c.ParentId
WHERE c.Hide <> 1

IsNull(Sum(si.Quantity * Round(si.Price, 2)), 0) / (
ISNULL(SUM(si.Quantity), 1) AS TargetsSold
From Sales s
Join SalesItems si On si.SalesID = s.ID
Join Products p On p.ID = si.ProductID
Join CategoryIds c ON c.CategoryId = p.TopicID
Where s.Hide <> 1
And si.Hide <> 1
And s.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>) AS AverageAddOnDollars
Select Distinct
From Sales s
Join SalesItems si On si.SalesID = s.ID
Join Products p On p.ID = si.ProductID
Join CategoryIds c ON c.CategoryId = p.TopicID
Where s.Hide <> 1
And si.Hide <> 1
And s.FinishDate BETWEEN <<StartDate>> AND <<EndDate>>) s
Join SalesItems si On si.SalesID = s.Id
Join Products p On p.ID = si.ProductID
Left Join Categories c On c.Id = p.TopicID
Left Join (
Select c.Id
From Categories c
Where Lower(c.Topic) Like('lab%')
And c.Hide <> 1 And c.ParentID Is Null) labCat
On labCat.Id = c.TopParentID Or labCat.Id = c.ID
Left Join CategoryIds cc On cc.CategoryId = p.TopicID
Where labCat.ID Is Null
And (c.ID IS null Or c.Serialized <> 1)
And cc.CategoryId Is Null
And si.Hide <> 1
