Products - Product Replacement Wizard (Rollover Process)

Discover how to make the model rollover process easy and efficient with the Product Replacement Wizard.

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at September 9th, 2024

Table of Contents

Manufacturers and vendors/suppliers may make changes to product models from year-to-year. If adequate stock for the previous model isn’t available, existing orders may be filled using the new models. Ascend’s Product Replacement Wizard tool allows you to easily locate order items and customer special orders for the original model and efficiently identify replacement products.

If you're a Trek retailer, we recommend checking the Roll over SKU report weekly. Part numbers will not be replaced on all order items - pay close attention to your B2B report before replacing items.

System setup

Replacing products

  1. On the Ascend Desktop, click the Replacement Wizard tile.
  2. From the Select a Vendor dropdown menu, select the product’s supplier.
  3. On the Select Vendor Product dialog box, search for and select the original (previous model year) product.  
    Note: Manually edit the in-store and vendor products with a meaningful description (e.g. add RETIRED to the beginning of the product description) so employees do not use them going forward. Article: Add or edit a product 
  4. On the Product Replacement Wizard dialog box, open vendor orders display with unreceived order items for the original product.
  5. Click the search button (magnifying glass icon) next to the Replacement field, then search for and select the new (current model year) product.  
    Note: (Trek dealers) If a replacement is already mapped in B2B and order items are included in the Roll over SKU report, the new product is automatically selected. If the new model doesn’t exist in your system, click the Copy button to use the information to manually create the product. Article: Add or edit a product 
  6. Click the Next button.  
    Note: If the Original and Replacement products are assigned to different categories, the Product Category Mismatch prompt displays. If either product is not categorized, the Category Mapper dialog box displays.
  7. In the Non SO Swap Qty field for each vendor order, enter the number of unassigned order items the supplier is replacing with the new model.  
    Note: (Trek dealers) Order items from B2B which are mapped to a new model are automatically selected.
  8. Click the Continue to Special Orders button.
  9. In the SO Swap Qty column for each customer, enter the number of special order items the supplier is replacing with the new model.  
    Note: (Trek dealers) Order items from B2B which are mapped to a new model are automatically selected.
  10. Check Check to update Price of Special Orders to new MSRP to adjust pricing on all swapped special order items.
  11. Click the Swap button.  
    Note: Product replacements cannot be undone. Review all changes prior to confirming the swap.
  12. On the Swap Product prompt, click the OK button.
  13. The Recap section displays all changes made.
    1. Email: Send a copy of the Recap information (CSV format).
    2. Export: Save a copy of the Recap information (CSV format).
    3. Print: Print a physical copy of the Recap information.
  14. Click the Swap Another Product button to replace additional models.
  15. When all replacements are complete, click the Close button.



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