Manage Discount Reasons

Written By Ascend knowledge base (Administrator)

Updated at September 6th, 2024

Discount Reasons allow you to track why your employees are adjusting prices outside of those automatically applied by Coupons or Promotions.

Note: Discount Reasons are required by default – but if you aren’t concerned with why your employees are applying discounts, you can uncheck Options > Sales and Returns > Discounts > Reasons > Require Discount Reason.

Screenshot of Discount Reasons with Require Discount Reason unchecked and the blank box highlighted

From the Ascend Desktop, click the Options tile, then select the Sales and Returns topic.

In the Discounts section, click the Reasons button.

Screenshot of the Sales and Returns screen with Reasons under Discounts highlighted

We’ve provided several common, default reasons – but your store may require different or additional reasons.

  • To add a new reason, click in the empty cell at the end of the list and just start typing.
    Screenshot of Discount Reasons with New Reason Name highlighted and a pencil next to it indicating it is editable
  • To add a reason in a specific position in the list, right-click the reason above which the new reason should display and select Insert Row.
    Screenshot of Discount Reasons with options for Insert Row and Delete Row. Insert Row is highlighted
  • To remove a reason, right-click it and select Delete Row.
    Screenshot of Discount Reasons with options for Insert Row and Delete Row. Delete Row is highlighted
  • To rename a reason, double-click the reason and edit the text as necessary.
    Screenshot of Discount Reasons with New Reason Name highlighted and a pencil next to it indicating it is editable

When your changes are complete, click the Save button, then click the OK button.
