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Ascend HQ Reports
To access all available Ascend Pay reports:
- Navigate to Ascend HQ (hq.ascendrms.com).
- Select you desired report by clicking on Payments > Ascend Pay.
To export Ascend Pay reports:
- Navigate to your desired report.
- Customize your data columns using the gear icon, if necessary.
- Click Export.
Report Definitions
Balance Platform Accounting Report
The Balance Platform Accounting Report is a daily report that tracks all balance changes on all balance accounts in your platform, including liable accounts. You can use the information from the Balance Platform Accounting Report to:
- Confirm all processed payments
- Confirm transfers between balance accounts
- Confirm payouts to your bank accounts
- Track payment fees, costs, and invoice deduction
The generated report includes the balance mutations with a Booking Date for all the accounts for your platform between opening (00:00 AM) and closing (00:00 AM the next day) for your selected day in Central European Time (CET).
The following table shows the standard columns that are included in the Accounting Report, in their default order:
# | Column | Financial service | Description |
1 | Balance Platform | issuing payouts platform payments |
Name of your Balance Platform account. |
2 | Account Holder | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unique identifier of the account holder that owns the balance account. |
3 | Balance Account | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of the balance account. |
4 | Transfer Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. |
5 | Transaction Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of a transaction, reflects a completed debit or credit. |
6 | Category | issuing payouts platform payments |
The category of the transaction. Possible values:
7 | Status | issuing payouts platform payments |
The status of the event. Example values: authorised, chargeback. |
8 | Type | issuing payouts platform payments |
The type of transfer or transaction. Example values: refund, chargeback. |
9 | Booking Date | issuing payouts platform payments |
Date of the booking. |
10 | Value Date | issuing payouts platform payments |
The date when the funds are available. |
11 | Value Date Time Zone | issuing payouts platform payments |
The time zone of the location where the funds are available. |
12 | Currency | issuing payouts platform payments |
The three-character ISO currency code for the balance account. |
Amount | issuing payouts platform payments |
The amount of the transfer or transaction. | |
13 | Original Currency | issuing | The three-character ISO currency code of the payment amount as reported by the acquirer. |
14 | Original Amount | issuing | The payment amount in the currency defined in Original Currency. |
15 | Payment Currency | issuing payouts platform payments |
The currency of the payment. |
Received (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Received accounting register. | |
16 | Reserved (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Reserved accounting register. |
17 | Balance (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Balance accounting register. |
18 | Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. |
19 | Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. When the transfer is a fee, the fee type is added before the description of the original payment.
If the original payment did not contain a description, possible fee type indications are:
20 | Counterparty Balance Account Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
The unique identifier of the destination of the transfer. |
21 | Psp Payment Merchant Reference | platform payments | The PSP merchant reference of a payment. |
22 | Psp Payment Psp Reference | platform payments | The PSP reference of a payment. |
23 | Psp Modification Psp Reference | platform payments | The PSP modification reference of a payment. |
24 | Psp Modification Merchant Reference | platform payments | The PSP modification reference of a payment. |
25 | Payment Instrument Type | issuing | The type of the payment instrument used in the payment. |
26 | Payment Instrument Id | issuing | The unique identifier of the payment instrument. |
27 | Entrymode | issuing |
The point-of-sale entry mode as reported by the acquirer.
28 | Auth Code | issuing | A unique authorization code generated for the payment. This code should be included when canceling or refunding a payment. |
29 | Shopper Interaction | issuing |
Transaction type. Possible values:
30 | MCC | issuing | The merchant category code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
31 | Counterparty Name | issuing | The name of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
32 | Counterparty Address | issuing | The address of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
33 | Counterparty City | issuing | The city of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
34 | Counterparty Country | issuing | The ISO country code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
35 | Counterparty iban | payouts | The IBAN of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
36 | Counterparty bic | payouts | The BIC of the bank of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
37 | Counterparty Account Number | payouts | The account number of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
38 | Counterparty Postal Code | issuing payouts |
The postal code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
39 | Interchange Currency | issuing | The currency of the interchange. |
Interchange | issuing | The amount of interchange. | |
40 | Beneficiary Balance Account | issuing | The unique identifier of the beneficiary balance account associated with your platform. |
41 | Brand variant | issuing | The brand variant for the payment instrument. For example: mcdebit, visaprepaid. |
42 | Reference for Beneficiary | payouts | Your reference for the beneficiary. |
43 | Platform Payment Interchange | platform payments | Fee charged by the Issuing bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
44 | Platform Payment Scheme Fee | platform payments | Fee which is charged by Visa or Mastercard. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
45 | Platform Payment Markup | platform payments | Fee charged by the acquiring bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
46 | Platform Payment Commission | platform payments | Blend fee charged by the acquiring bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the payment level, this field is empty. |
Platform Payment Cost Currency | platform payments | The currency of the Platform Payment Cost fields. | |
47 | Account Holder Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
Your description for the account holder. |
48 | Account Holder Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
Your reference for the account holder. |
49 | Balance Account Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
Your description for the balance account. |
50 | Balance Account Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
Your reference for the balance account. |
Payment Accounting Report
The Payment Accounting Report includes Payments lifecycle status changes, events, and modifications for all transactions. You can use this report to see the costs associated with different statuses and perform invoice reconciliation.
Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.
Each column shows specific information about the entries. By default, the report includes these standard columns in this order:
# | Column | Data type | Description |
1 | Company Account | Unicode Text (80-character) | The name of your company account as registered in the Adyen payments platform. |
2 | Merchant Account | Unicode Text (80-character) | The name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. The report may contain line items for multiple merchant accounts. |
3 | Psp Reference | Unicode Text (16-character) | Adyen's 16-character unique reference associated with the transaction/the request. This value is globally unique; quote it when communicating with us about this request. |
4 | Merchant Reference | Unicode Text (80-character) | The reference that was specified in the payment request. |
5 | Payment Method | Unicode Text (50-character) | The payment method used for the transaction. For example: visa, mc, amex. |
6 | Booking Date | Date field + Time field | The timestamp indicating when the event was entered into Adyen's accounting system. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS .For example: 2021-07-26 19:58:55. |
TimeZone | Alpha Text (4-character limit) | The time zone of the Booking Date column. This is the ISO code for your time zone setting. |
7 | Main Currency | Alpha Text (3-character limit) | The three-character ISO code for the currency of the main amount. |
Main Amount | Text field Numeric (16-Character limit) | The amount recorded when the transaction reaches the Record Type. For example, the main amount of a Settled transaction is the amount after deducting payment processing fees. |
8 | Record Type | Unicode Text (50-character) | The accounting record type. For a list of record types, see below. |
9 | Payment Currency | Alpha Text (3-character limit) | The three-character ISO code for the currency that was used to process the payment. |
10 | Received (PC) | Fixed point number | The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Received accounting register. |
11 | Authorised (PC) | Fixed point number | The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Authorised accounting register. |
12 | Captured (PC) | Fixed point number | The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Captured accounting register. |
13 | Settlement Currency | Alpha Text (3-character limit) | The three-character ISO code for the currency that was used when settling the payment. |
14 | Payable (SC) | Fixed point number | The amount (in Settlement Currency) debited or credited on the Payable accounting register. This will be paid out to your bank account. |
15 | Commission (SC) | Fixed point number | The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer (in Settlement Currency) If the acquirer provides the transaction information at the interchange level, Adyen will split the commission into the Markup, Scheme Fees and Interchange registers instead. |
16 | Markup (SC) | Fixed point number | The fee charged by the acquiring bank (in Settlement Currency). |
17 | Scheme Fees (SC) | Fixed point number | The fee charged by, for example, Visa or Mastercard (in Settlement Currency). |
18 | Interchange (SC) | Fixed point number | The fee charged by the issuing bank (in Settlement Currency). |
19 | Processing Fee Currency | Alpha Text (3-character limit) | The three-character ISO code for the currency in which the processing (or gateway) fee is charged. |
20 | Processing Fee (FC) | Fixed point number | The amount (in Processing Fee Currency) charged on the Processing Fee accounting register. |
21 | User Name | Unicode Text (80-character) | The user (interactive or webservice user) who performed the action resulting in the accounting record. If the record was created by an automated internal process, the value will be system. |
22 | Payment Method Variant | Unicode Text (50-character) | The sub-brand of the payment method (if applicable). For example: visaclassic, visadebit, mccorporate. |
23 | Modification Merchant Reference | Unicode Text (80-character) | The optional modification reference for modifications, if specified in the transaction. |
Record types
Record Type | Description |
Authorised |
Payment approved by the financial institution. |
AuthorisedPending |
Payment authorisation is pending acceptance from the issuer. |
Cancelled |
Transaction cancelled. |
CaptureFailed |
Capture of a payment failed. For more information, refer to Failed capture. |
Chargeback |
Payment reversed by the bank/scheme/consumer. |
SecondChargeback |
Unsuccessful defense of first chargeback. |
ChargebackExternally |
Payment booked as a chargeback with external acquirer. |
ChargebackExternallyWithInfo |
Payment booked as a chargeback with external acquirer. |
ChargebackReversed |
Chargeback defended successfully, or the shopper re-paid the funds. |
ChargebackReversedExternallyWithInfo |
Chargeback defended successfully, or the shopper re-paid the funds. |
Error |
Transaction error. |
Expired |
Payment not captured within time limits. |
PaidOut |
Payout successfully completed. |
PaidOutExternally |
Payout successfully completed with external acquirer. |
PaidOutExternallyWithInfo |
Payout successfully completed with external acquirer. |
PaidOutReversed |
Payout returned to Adyen's account as it could not be credited to the shopper. |
PayoutAuthorised |
Payout successfully authorised. |
PayoutError |
Payout that resulted in an error. |
PayoutFailed |
Payout request was returned by the acquirer. |
Received |
Registration of a validated payment attempt. |
ReceivedPayout |
Payout received by the Adyen payments platform. |
RefundAuthorised |
Refund successfully authorised. |
Refunded |
Payment successfully refunded. |
RefundedBulk |
Payment successfully refunded through Adyen Acquiring.
RefundedExternally |
Payment successfully refunded through an external acquirer. |
RefundedExternallyWithInfo |
Payment successfully refunded through an external acquirer. |
RefundFailed |
The refund failed. For more information, refer to Failed refund. |
RefundedInInstallments |
Payment has been fully refunded in installments. |
RefundedInstallment |
Payment installment has been refunded. |
RefundedReversed |
Refund returned to Adyen's account as it could not be credited to the shopper. |
RefundNotProcessed |
Refund has not been settled because the acquirer has not process the refund 30 days after initiation; however, the customer has received the funds. If the refund is processed after 30 days, you will see an additional Refunded record. |
Refused |
Payment was refused, either by the acquirer or by the Adyen fraud tool. |
RefusedPayout |
Payout was refused, either by the Adyen fraud tool or by the acquirer. |
Retried |
Payment request was retried. |
SentForPayout |
Payment sent for payout by the acquirer. |
SentForRefund |
Payment sent for refund by the acquirer. |
SentForSettle |
Request to transfer the payment sent to the financial institution. |
Settled |
Payment has been settled, and the funds have been received by Adyen. |
SettledBulk |
Payment has been settled through Adyen Acquiring.
SettledExternally |
Payment has been settled with an external acquirer. |
SettledExternallyWithInfo |
Payment has been settled with an external acquirer. |
SettledInInstallments |
Payment has been fully captured in installments. |
SettledInstallmentSuspendInstallment |
Payment installment has been settled. |
SettledReversed |
Payment has not been settled because Adyen has not received the funds 30 days after capture. If Adyen receives the funds more than 30 days after capture, then you will see a Settled record. |
SuspendInstallment |
The installment will no longer be sent to the scheme due to a dispute in the transaction. |
AdvancedInstallment |
The installment was advanced. |
AdvancedInstallmentCancelled |
The advancement of the installment was cancelled. |
OpenInstallment |
An installment is still open. There are 4 possible states of an OpenInstallment: Initial: A transaction was captured. Representment: You successfully defended a dispute, and we have resumed suspended installments. Retry: A capture failed, and is being retried. Acceleration: The shopper requested a refund, but the amount in the refund request is greater than the amount received, so future installments are accelerated and the installment is closed. See CloseInstallment. |
CloseInstallment |
The installment will no longer be sent to the scheme and the OpenInstallment is closed. |
Settlement Details Report
The Settlement Details Report is used to reconcile settlements on a transaction level. It includes the details of payments that have been settled and paid out to you in one batch by Ascend Pay. You can use this report to see the costs of each transaction and perform reconciliation on a transaction level.
Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry. The types of entries include: Transactions, Transaction fees, Deposit corrections, Invoice deductions, and Payouts.
Each column shows specific information about the entries. The table below reflects the standard columns that are included in the report, and the default order:
# | Column | Description |
1 | Company Account | The name of your company account as registered in the Adyen payments platform. |
2 | Merchant Account | The name of the merchant account that was used to process the original payment request. |
3 | Psp Reference | Adyen's 16-character unique reference associated with the transaction/the request. This value is globally unique; quote it when communicating with us about this request. |
4 | Merchant Reference | The reference that was specified in the payment request. |
5 | Payment Method | The payment method used for the transaction. For example: visa, mc, amex. |
6 | Creation Date | The timestamp indicating when the payment was created on the Adyen payments platform. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS .For example: 2012-07-26 19:58:55. |
TimeZone | The time zone of the Creation Date. This is the ISO code for your time zone setting. |
7 | Type* | The Journal type of the entry. |
8 | Modification Reference* |
In some cases, the modification reference returned for entries of Type Chargeback is the same as the reference returned when the payment was captured. This is expected behavior.
9 | Gross Currency* | The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction currency. |
Gross Debit (GC)* | The amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. |
Gross Credit (GC)* | The amount submitted in the transaction request. For example, 100.00. |
Exchange Rate |
The exchange rate used for converting the gross amount into the net amount. For externally settled payments, the listed exchange rate is Adyen's reference exchange rate, not the actual rate applied by the external acquirer. |
10 | Net Currency | The three-character ISO currency code for the settlement currency. |
Net Debit (NC) | The net amount debited from the Payable batch. For example, for a Refunded booking, this is the amount sent as part of the refund request plus any additional costs withheld. | |
Net Credit (NC) | The amount submitted in the transaction request minus transaction costs and fees. For example, 98.26. |
11 | Commission (NC) |
The commission fee that was withheld by the acquirer. This should be the difference between the gross and net amounts.
In this case, the Commission column is empty and columns Markup (12), Scheme Fees (13), and Interchange (14) are populated.
For externally settled refunds (for example, American Express refunds), this amount will be negative. If you are automating your reconciliation, make sure your system can handle negative values.
12 | Markup (NC) | The fee charged by the acquiring bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
13 | Scheme Fees (NC) | The fee charged by, for example, Visa or Mastercard. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
14 | Interchange (NC) | The fee charged by the issuing bank. If the acquirer doesn't provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
15 | Payment Method Variant | The sub-brand of the payment method (if applicable). For example: visaclassic, visadebit, mccorporate. |
16 | Modification Merchant Reference | The optional modification reference for modifications, if specified in the transaction. |
17 | Batch Number | The sequence number of the settlement. |
Journal types
The journal types listed below correspond to the Type field.
Journal Type | Occurrence | Description |
Fee* | Debit | The Adyen transaction fees for Received and SentForRefund transactions booked during the specified batch period. |
MiscCosts* | Debit/Credit | The costs from externally settled payments that could not be matched with any specific transactions. |
MerchantPayout* | Debit | The amount that is paid for a settlement currency from the payout batch to your bank account. |
Refunded | Debit | A debit for a payment that was SentForRefund. |
Settled | Credit | A credit for a payment that was SentForSettle. |
Chargeback | Debit | A debit for a payment that is reversed by the bank/scheme/consumer. |
SecondChargeback | A debit | Debit for an unsuccessful defense of a first chargeback. |
ChargebackReversed | Credit | A previous chargeback that is credited to you after a payment is successfully defended, or after the shopper re-pays the funds. |
RefundedReversed | Credit | A refund that is returned to our account because it cannot be credited to the shopper by the scheme/bank or is returned by the shopper. |
DepositCorrection* | Debit/Credit | The funds being withheld from/released to the account due to a change in the required security deposit (coverage of the exposure on the account). |
InvoiceDeduction* | Debit/Credit | A payment processing invoice that is credited/deducted from the account.If an invoice includes VAT/GST charges, you will see two separate bookings: costs/discounts and taxes. Details are specified in the Modification Reference column. |
MatchedStatement | Debit/Credit | A wire transfer from merchant booked in the account. |
ManualCorrected | Debit/Credit | A manual booking/adjustment by Adyen. |
BankInstructionReturned | Credit | A credit for previous merchant payouts that were not processed successfully or that were returned to Adyen. |
EpaPaid | Debit/Credit | An Electronic Payment Advice (EPA) from an external acquirer that was confirmed by the acquirer but not settled through Adyen. |
Balancetransfer | Debit/Credit | A balance transfer to or from subsequent payout batches in order to process negative payable/capture balances or for batches that could not be paid out. |
PaymentCost | Debit/Credit |
Used only in the following scenarios:
PaidOut | Debit | The net debit for a payout that was SentForPayout. |
PaidOutReversed | Credit | A payout returned to Adyen's account because it could not be credited to the shopper by the scheme/bank or is returned by the shopper. |
RefundedInstallment | Debit | The debit amount for a payment that was SentForRefund. This journal is used for credit transactions using an Adyen installments-capable acquirer (like Brazil and Mexico), regardless of whether the transaction is one-off or an installment. |
SettledInstallment | Credit | The credit amount being settled for a credit card transaction created in installments. For installment-based transactions, the settled credit amount does not equal the whole amount that was SentForSettle. When it is a one-off transaction, then the credit amount that will be settled for this payment will equal the whole amount that was SentForSettle. If you have made an advancement, then the credit amount for this journal SettledInstallment will be zero. |
SuspendInstallment | Debit | Indicates that submitting subsequent installments to the scheme has been suspended due to a chargeback requested by the issuing bank. If you have made an advancement of the installment settlement, then this journal will appear in the Settlement details report to indicate the debit to compensate the advanced amount. |
CaptureFailed (Sales Day payout) | Debit | Capturing funds has failed for a transaction. In other words, these funds will not be received yet from the card scheme or payment method. A debit booking will be made to the next payout, because Adyen doesn't receive the pre-financed transaction amount from the card scheme or payment method. |
RefundFailed (Sales Day payout) | Credit | A refund to a card or payment method has failed. If your account has already been debited for the refund, a credit booking is made to the next merchant payout (because Adyen will not have to pay for the refunded amount). |
RefundNotCleared (Sales Day payout) | Credit | A refund hasn't been settled because the acquirer hasn't processed the refund 30 days after initiation. However, the customer has received the funds. No action is needed; adjustments to your balance happen automatically. If the refund is processed after 30 days, you will see an additional Refunded booking. This journal type was formerly called RefundNotProcessed. |
SettledReversed (Sales Day payout) | Debit | A debit that reverses a Settled transaction for which Adyen hasn't received the funds from the card scheme or payment method within 30 days of capture. No action is needed; adjustments to your balance happen automatically. If Adyen receives the funds after 30 days, you will see an additional Settled booking. |
MerchantPayin | Credit | A credit transfer or direct debit booked in the account to fund the Reserve. |
ReserveAdjustment | Debit/Credit | The funds being withheld from or released to the account due to funding or for using the Reserve register. |
MerchantPayinReversed | Debit | A payment that was meant to top up or fund an account, goes through a chargeback. |
XASTransfer | Debit | The funds debited to your platform's liable account. Used in classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. For more information, refer to Reconcile your platform's accounts receivable. |