Ordering - Walk through the Vendor Order (purchase order) screen

Written By Kristina Florin (Collaborator)

Updated at October 3rd, 2024

Let's take a walk through the Ascend purchase order screen.

Top Toolbar


  • Save: Save the Order
  • Import from Excel: This function gives you the ability to import a purchase order from Excel. There is specific formatting required. 
  • Export to Excel: Export the current order to Excel.
  • Print: Print the order
  • Print Preview: Preview how the order will be printed
  • Print Special Order Receipts: The ability to print transaction receipts for special orders tied to the order.
  • Print Barcode: Multiple different options for printing barcodes for products on the order.
  • Print Serial Number Labels: Multiple different options for printing serial number labels for serialized products on the order.
  • Email PDF: Email a copy of the order in PDF format.
  • Email Spreadsheet: Email a copy of the order in Excel format.
  • Receiving History: Displays the receiving sessions for the order.


  • Add: Add products to the order.
  • Edit: This will take you into the Edit Order Item screen for the selected product in the order.
  • Remove: Removes the selected product in the order screen.
  • Split Individual Item: If the line item contains a quantity greater than one, you are brought into the Split List Item prompt.
  • Split All Serialized Items: Splits all serialized items into individual lines so you can receive the item and scan the serial for each product. Serializing products that time of receiving and using the Split All Serialized Items are both Ascend best practices.
  • Split All Items: Splits all lines with quantity great than one into its own line. This allows you to scan all items and ensure you are receiving the correct quantities. Splitting All Items and scanning all items being received on the order is an Ascend best practice.


  • Items to Order: Displays the Items to Order prompt with Reorder Items and Special Order Items associated with the vendor you are creating the purchase order for.

Icons toolbar

  • Back: Backs out of the purchase order. Ascend will give you a prompt if you'd like to Save Changes before backing out of the order. Be sure to say Yes to the prompt if you made any updates or changes to the purchase order.
  • Save: Saves the purchase order and closes it out.
  • Apply: Applies any changes or updates made to the purchase order.
  • Print: Print a copy of the order.
  • Preview: Preview how the order would print out.
  • Labels: There are multiple options for printing product labels and serial numbers labels for products on the purchase order.
  • Add: Add products to the order.
  • Edit: This will take you into the Edit Order Item screen for the selected product in the order.
  • Remove: Removes the selected product in the order screen. You can multi-select products using Shift or Ctrl and clicking the Remove button. It will remove all of the products selected.
  • In-Cell Editing: Allows you to click directly into different fields to make modifications without having to manually open the Edit Order Item screen. Using in-cell editing is very helpful with Cost or MSRP edits or the Order Qty
    • Fields that can be modified using In-Cell Editing:
      • Description (this will change the vendor product description, NOT the in-store product description)
      • Cost
      • Order Qty
      • MSRP
      • Min
      • Max
      • Min2
      • Max2
      • Comments
  • Enlarge or Shrink: Will change the text size within the purchase order screen.
  • Load History: For multi-store retailers only. Will display sales history, pending transfer information and availability for transfer requests. This is not clicked by default.
  • Email: Generates an email with the purchase order attached.
  • Reorder: Displays the Items to Order prompt with Reorder Items and Special Order Items associated with the vendor you are creating the purchase order for.
  • Availability: Only available for Trek and QBP orders. Checks availability for all products on the purchase order and displays in your store's distribution center order.
  • Submit: Only available for Trek and QBP orders. Submits the order to the Trek and QBP B2B sites. Please note with QBP orders, it is not fully submitted until you finished pushing the car through on QBP's B2B.


In the vendor section you will see information about the vendor you are creating the purchase order for. You can click on the Vendor name to make any modifications to the record that you need.

  • PO Number: This field is autogenerated by Ascend but can also be overridden if you would like to have you own custom PO Number.
  • Vendor Order #: Often a vendor will assign their own order # when it is placed. Filling this field in is helpful for bookkeeping while going through invoice matching.
  • Order Status: Updating the order status is important for where the order is in the process. This field will also tie back to the special order in the customer transaction.
    • All Order Statuses are assigned manually, EXCEPT for AutoGenerated, Received, and Submitted (Online).
      • AutoGenerated: Assigned to orders created on the Trek B2B or through Ascend HQ.
      • Received: Assigned when all products on the purchase order have been received.
      • Submitted (Online): Assigned to Trek and QBP orders submitted through Ascend.
  • Date Submitted: Enter the date the order was submitted. This field will also tie back to the special order in the customer transaction.
  • Date Finished: The date will automatically be assigned when the order is completely received.
  • Min Order: In the Vendor record you can enter the min. order amount (perhaps you need $500 to hit terms, etc.).
  • Free Shipping: In the Vendor record you can enter the min. order amount (perhaps you need $500 to hit free shipping, etc.).
  • Comments: This comment is associated with the purchase order itself and displays in the Orders Screen within DBEX.
    • Using the Comments field in the purchase order is great for recording notes about the order. Perhaps it is a preseason order and will not ship until a future date, or for the most recent date you verified backorder status for products, or letting your bookkeeper know of any discrepancies or issues with the order.

Search Box

  • Trek Bike and Trek P&A: This is only displayed for Trek orders, bikes and parts and accessories need to be on separate orders for Trek.
  • Search Box: Search products to add to the order or to be received.
  • Auto-Sync Purchase Orders: Only for Trek orders. For more information about Auto-Sync check out our article: Ordering - Auto-Sync Options.
  • Receiving: When the receiving box is checked, Ascend will search the order to mark the product to be received.
  • Scan Serial Numbers: When the Scan Serial Numbers box is checked, as products are being received Ascend will prompt for the serial number.

Product Information

Displays select product information when a specific product is selected in the order, toward the bottom of the screen you will see a gray bar containing information about the specific product. 

You will see: Vendor Part Number, Vendor Product Description, Cost, MSRP, On Hand (your current quantity on hand), and On Order (total quantity of this product on all active purchase orders).

  • Multi-store retailers, please note that On Hand and On Order are specific to your locations database, not your entire dealership.

For multi-store retailers, there is one additional bit of information that you can see. By clicking Load History in the Icon toolbar you can display transfer information for the selected product. Pending Transfers In or Out.

Sales History

Displays the Sales History when a specific product is selected in the order.

Multi-store retailers can see information for all locations by clicking Load History in the Icon toolbar. This is not clicked by default.

Order Information / Receiving History

  • Total Order Items: Total quantity of products on the purchase order.
  • Order Subtotal: Total cost of all products on the purchase order.
  • Shipping: Shipping for the order can be recorded when the purchase order is finalizing (last item(s) are received). Ascend recommends recording shipping on the backend, in your accounting software as that charge could vary based on Vendor terms.
  • Order Total: Total cost of all products on the purchase order and includes shipping if it is entered in.
  • Items Received This Session: Total quantity of products received this session. Each time products are received and the order saved, Ascend looks at that as a session.
  • Amount Received This Session: Total cost of products received this session.
  • Previously Received Items: Total quantity of products received from this order thus far.
  • Previous Amount Received: Total cost of product received from this order thus far.
